
好歌同享 -- What Will I Do

兩星期前「韓風」曾在此吹過,那我們熟悉的「和風」又如何?當然不會無聲無息的隻字不提。猶記當年日本劇集盛世之時,極盡風光,迷倒無數「煲劇一族」,《悠長假期 Long Vacation》,《同一屋簷下》,《戀愛世紀 Love Generation 》等劇中偶像藝人如木村拓哉、竹野內豐、酒井法子等,盡俘本地少男少女的心,簡直是顛倒眾生;劇集內容多半是,俊男美女圍繞著美麗城市為背景之愛情故事,有美景、美人、美的故事,怎可以缺少美的音樂;似乎大部份日劇都擁有一些動人的樂曲,為劇集平添了吸引力、觸動了更多人。
這裡是 Cagnet 唱出由木村拓哉、竹野內豐、山口智子、松隆子演出的《悠長假期》劇集插曲《What Will I Do》,雖然是多年前的作品,現在聽來依然悅耳,有著依然的清新。

What Will I Do

I'm not really sure of the words to say
If only you knew that I feel this way
I wanna give my heart to you
Show me the way that you want me to

I know for sure there's a place for us
I'm counting the days 'till I feel your touch
You come to me when I dream at night
When I'm with you, it will be so right

If you can see the love in my eyes
You should know that I'm on your side
Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh
I'll be yours, you'll be mine

Ooh... What will I do? Ooh... What will I do?
Ooh... What will I do? Ooh... What will I do?

If you can see the love in my eyes
You should know that I'm on your side
Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh
I'll be yours, you'll be mine

Ooh... What will I do? Ooh... What will I do?
Ooh... What will I do? Ooh... What will I do?

