
好歌同享 -- Till there was you

前一陣子,參觀朋友們的私人“Band Room”,享受了一個Live的音樂晚上,原先也準備以自己的九流嗓子,為他們製造點噪音,無奈面部神經線未十足痊癒,使我暫時打消念頭,稍後才給他們一些驚嚇的震憾。
當晚聽到很多經典歌曲,其中朋友唱出一首六十年代的作品,來自“Beatles”,Paul McCartney的好歌,“Till there was you”;這使我想起一件事來,由Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison & Ringo Starr四人組成之英國經典樂隊,鼎鼎大名,幾乎無人不曉的“Beatles”,竟然還沒有出現在《好歌同享》。

“Beatles”之好歌,個人較喜愛的有 “And I Love Her”、“Here, There And Everywhere”、“A Taste of Honey”、“PS I Love You”、“I'll Follow the Sun”、“Twist And Shout”、“Anna”、“Love Me Do”、“Ask Me Why”等等,當然還有很多好歌,數之不盡,未能盡錄。

Paul McCartney唱出的“Till there was you”,是自己近年差點忘記了之一首動聽歌曲;看到短片中年青的他頻頻搖頭之動作,感覺頗有趣!剛巧數天前,在新聞報導中看到Paul McCartney在白宮,領取美國「國會圖書館」頒發的「蓋西文流行歌曲獎」(Gershwin Prize for Popular Song)表揚他在流行樂壇的多年貢獻,美國總統奧巴馬與一眾歌手如Stevie Wonder,Jonas Brothers,Elvis Costello等都出席了這場白宮音樂會。轉眼之間,這位出道時祇是二十多歲,來自利物浦的小伙子,如今已變成從電視螢幕中所看到的一位六十多歲模樣之Paul McCartney,“Beatles”四人之中祇剩下他與Ringo Starr兩人而已。

Till there was you

There were bells on a hill
But I never heard them ringing
No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you

There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No, I never saw them at all
Till there was you

Then there was music and wonderful roses
they tell me in sweet fragrant meadows
of dawn and dew

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No I never heard it at all
Till there was you

Then there was music and wonderful roses
they tell me in sweet fragrant meadows
of dawn and dew

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Till there was you

